Question Versions - Soru Halleri
Cümle başına (am, is, are)
- Am I learning English?
- Are you reading a book?
- Is he looking at the picture?
- Is she writing a letter?
- Is it running to the tree?
- Are we eating apples?
- Are you going to school?
- Are they walking to the door?
Positive Version Answers - Olumlu Cevap Halleri
(am, is, are) + fill (verb) + "ing"
- I am learning English.
- You are reading a book.
- He is looking at the picture.
- She is writing a letter.
- It is running to the tree.
- We are eating apples.
- You are going to school.
- They are walking to the door.
Negative Version Answers - Olumsuz Cevap Halleri
(am, is, are) + not
- I am not learning English
- You are not (aren't) reading a book.
- He is not (is'nt) looking at the picture.
- She isn't (is not) writing a letter.
- Is is not running to the tree.
- We are not eating apples.
- You aren't (are not) going to school.
- Ther aren't walking to the door.
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