Question Versions - Soru Halleri
was, were cümle başına
- Was I writing a letter?
- Were you smoking a cigarette?
- Was he watching television?
- Was she running to the car?
- Was it sleeping under the chair?
- Were we waiting for the bus?
- Were you playing football?
- Were they reading their books?
Positive Version Answers - Olumlu Cevap Halleri
(was, were) + fill köküne ilavesi
- I was writing a letter.
- You were smoking a cigarette.
- He was watching television.
- She was running to the car.
- It was sleeping under the chair.
- We were waiting for the bus.
- You were playing football.
- They were reading their books.
Negative Version Answers - Olumsuz Cevap Halleri
was, were + not
- I was not writing a letter.
- You were not smoking a cigarette.
- He wasn't watching television.
- She wasn't running to the car.
- It wasn't sleeping under the chair.
- We weren't waiting for the bus.
- You weren't playing football.
- They weren't reading their books.
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